Terms & Conditions

I confirm that the below guidelines have been communicated to me (by email) and I have read and understood.

I hereby release and discharge La Belle Arts from any liability which may arise as a result of a student participating in any La Belle Arts activity.

I understand that La Belle Arts will be following the COVID infection rate and will close if advised or if the health and safety of students, families and staff is at risk.

In this instance, I understand that La Belle Arts will provide other means of you child continuing their dance and performing arts training - where possible

Terms & Conditions

LBA runs for 40 weeks of the year - term dates will be sent out in advance of each new term. Your subscription payment is based on a 40 week year split over 12 months.

Monthly payments will continue to be taken on the 1st of each month of the year. If you are setting up your subscription for the first time and you have multiple classes or are booking in siblings, you will be initially placed on a temporary plan and LBA will notify you of your final monthly amount before the first payment date.

Trial classes will receive an invite after their first free trial to set up subscription payments. Your space is reserved in class for 1 week post trial until payment is established, and the space will be released after this time.

•Signing up through the website and setting up a subscription is the only booking/payment option that LBA will accept.

• All fees are non-refundable.

•Cancellation policy – we require one month’s written notice along with one final full fee payment for cancellation of a class, in order to cover the classes attended.

I understand that dance is an athletic activity and that although the teacher is fully trained and experienced, and will provide the utmost care of the student, I am aware that on occasion, injuries may occur. Acknowledging this, I will not hold La Belle Arts responsible for any injuries that may arise from participating in the dance classes at the school.

I understand that it may be necessary for teachers to correct dance movements by physically moving the pupil into the correct alignment, to assist with effective teaching.

I understand that on occasion, photos and videos of students may be taken and used for La Belle Arts publicity purposes (e.g. Facebook, website, leaflets), and that it is my responsibility to make the teacher aware - in writing - if this is not wanted.

I understand that by enrolling my child for a trial or a class with La Belle Arts, I agree to subscribe to the LBA mailing list to receive news and updates about La Belle Performing Arts. You can unsubscribe from this list by changing your preferences at the bottom of your email.


Health and Safety Policy 2025


School: La Belle Performing Arts (LBA Studios) Website: www.labellearts.co.uk

Email: hello@labellearts.co.uk

Phone: 07525423414


Our Health & Safety Policy is to help you understand what measures we currently have in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and students during their time with us, so you can rest assured in the knowledge we do our utmost to always protect your child.



Email: hello@labellearts.co.uk

This is the person responsible for managing our health and safety policy, reviewing, and updating it annually, and will also be able to chat through any questions or concerns you may have.


We believe that children have the right to be safe and secure and free from

threat, regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, or beliefs.

We have an explicit duty to safeguard and protect children from abuse as

defined in the Children Act 2004 and the Education Act 2002. Please see our

Child Protection policy for more details. Everyone at our dance school shares an objective to keep children, young people, and vulnerable adults safe by:

• Providing a happy and safe environment where children can learn to dance.

• Acting with integrity, treating children with respect, listening to their concerns and acting upon them.

• Identifying and responding to children, young people and vulnerable adults in need of support and/or protection.

• Supporting children’s development in ways which will foster a sense of self-esteem and independence;

• Fostering a learning environment in which every pupil feels valued and able to articulate their wishes and feelings in their preferred method of communication in an atmosphere of acceptance and trust.

• Ensuring that students will receive professional tuition from a qualified teacher with appropriate facilities following safe practice.

For toilet visits, children aged 5 and under are to be accompanied by an appropriate adult, and children 6 – 10 years are to use our facilities in pairs.

Health and Safety Policy 2025



It is a requirement that our staff hold PVG (Disclosure)

certificates that are less than 3 years old and a current First Aid qualification. All staff hold appropriate qualifications from their accreditation bodies. Every teacher has been confirmed to have insurance and the school has sufficient Employers Liability and Public Liability insurance.

All staff have been trained in how to appropriately deliver instruction to various ages. We host regular training sessions to ensure the highest quality control. Younger children may not understand some of the language that adults use, therefore, it is important to us to make sure that dance moves are explained using language that they understand or demonstrate the moves to them to make sure that they understand what they need to do. They have also been trained in correct methods.

All our staff are regularly consulted about the school policies and procedures, including safety measures, safeguarding, and reporting requirements.


Parents/carers should arrive to the building no more than 5 minutes before class is due to start. Students below the age of 12, should not be left in the building until the teacher has invited them into the lesson. All students should be collected from class as soon as it has ended. If a parent/carer is running late the student will be kept with their teacher - please phone ahead to let us know if you are running late.

No student under the age of 12 should be dropped off and allowed to enter the building alone, unless otherwise arranged and agreed with our team.


All students are registered within the first few minutes of class time.

All staff members have access to our electronic registers, which also include any relevant medical information and Individual Risk Assessments.

Class timetables are arranged according to the age and ability of the students,

and class structures are arranged so that students are warmed up at the beginning of class and given time to cool down at the end.

Students are reminded to eat properly before (but not immediately before) class, they may bring a small bottle of water in a non-spill bottle to each class and will be given sufficient break time during class to rest and stay hydrated.

Health and Safety Policy 2025


Students must always wear appropriate clothing and footwear during classes, it should not be restrictive, uncomfortable, revealing and footwear should be properly fitting.

• No outside clothing is allowed during class, only school branded clothing. • No jewellery is to be worn in class at any time

• Hair must be neatly tied back in a bun or pony tail.

Teachers ensure that the studio spaces are free of hazards, and sufficiently clean.

Both staff and students must be reminded of personal hygiene, hands should be regularly washed especially after using the toilet. Due to the nature of our physical activity, dance clothing should be washed after every use.


There will always be a minimum of one member of staff present with a minimum of a one-day Emergency First Aid qualification.

Our studio has a designated first aid supply and Accident Report book. These will be checked every 6 months and supplies replaced as necessary.

Teachers are not responsible for the safety and wellbeing of students outside of the dance class or during any online classes we may run. Parents/carers must ensure their children act safely and respectfully outside of the class or during online classes and ensure students are dressed appropriately when arriving, participating in class, or leaving the building.

Our teachers are committed to safe practice whilst teaching in all capacities, but students partake at their own risk. Whilst every care is taken to reduce the risk of injury and infection, the school does not accept responsibility for any injury or infection caused either within or outside of the dance class. Parents/carers or students must inform their teacher of any existing injuries, medical conditions/needs (e.g. Asthma, use of an EpiPen or diabetic monitoring) or any if they/anyone in their family are showing symptoms of infection. In an emergency all teachers are first aid trained and will act in loco parentis if parents/carers are not present and will call an ambulance.


All studios have clearly marked fire exits, and a meeting point has been

established outside the building. Should there be need to evacuate, anyone on the premises will be asked to leave their belongings and calmly leave the building, convening at the meeting point for registration. There will be fire evacuation drills every 6 months.

All staff are familiar with our fire safety procedures and there are appropriate fire extinguishers and fire blankets in accessible positions.

There is strictly no smoking permitted in the building or on site.

All staff equipment has been PAT tested and we run our power cables to the nearest access points, out of reach of students.

Health and Safety Policy 2025


We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.

This policy was last reviewed on 1st August 2023 and will be reviewed again on 1st August 2024

Name: CHRISTIE GOWANS Job Title: DIRECTOR Signature:

La Belle Performing Arts Studios © 2025


To help you get the best out of La Belle Performing Arts and to understand our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us, please read the following terms and conditions. The language used should make these terms and conditions as clear as possible. The following policies exist to safeguard the wellbeing of our pupils and to ensure that the good name of our Studios continue to be associated with high quality teaching and enjoyment of dance. La Belle Performing Arts reserves the right to refuse entry to classes if these rules are not complied with. The studio will review and amend its policies on a regular basis and advises parents and pupils to read this document thoroughly to ensure a clear understanding is gained. Please contact a member of our team if you require further information.


1. Payments and fees

1.1 In order for a place to be kept open for your child in our classes, payment is required

For the term two weeks in advance of the new term start OR a direct debit set up two weeks in advance.

1.2 You will be auto-enrolled into class if you have previously attend and your invoice / direct debit breakdown will be emailed to you.

1.3 We reserve the right to make changes to these amounts and/or collection date if

necessary. In this case, you will be given notice via email prior to collection.

1.4 Fees are reviewed annually and will increase in line with inflation.

1.5 The system we use is ClassForKids. All registrations and payments are set up through our website which links to this system.

2. Cancellation

2.1 Should your child wish to cancel one of their classes then we require one month’s written notice and all direct debit payments / term payments to have been cleared. (hello@labellearts.co.uk)

2.2 Any classes that fall under 5 students in total will be subject to being cancelled.


2.3 All unattended lessons are still payable. Substitute lessons can be arranged where applicable.

3. Clothing

3.1. La Belle Arts branded merchandise is available to order from Bliss Dancewear on St John’s Road and on AllBoogieDancewear website

Leotards, tights, shoes etc can also be bought from local dance shops and online retailers.

3.2. No jewellery or accessories to be worn to La Belle Performing Arts classes for obvious safety reasons.

3.3. Uniform must be worn at every session

3.4 Hair should be in a neat and tidy ponytail or bun.

3.5 Any student wishing to take part in our performances will be required to pay a ‘participation fee’ to cover costume, rehearsals, participation in the show and ticket costs.

4. Classes and performances

4.1. La Belle Performing Arts aim to provide the very best training. We will implement fun and discipline to do this. If we feel that any student is being disruptive on a regular basis we will issue a verbal warning. If this continues, we will speak to parent or guardian about the


4.2 Promotional pictures and footage will be taken throughout the year during classes; we

will require a written request and the opt out option on Class4Kids selected, if you do NOT wish for your child to take part. We may also

work in collaboration with outside media companies in line with our data protection policy.

4.3. Our annual performance will be recorded professionally. Personal cameras and

recording equipment are not permitted.

4.4. Any student found using a mobile phone will have the phone confiscated and returned

at the end of the session. Mobiles aren’t permitted inside the studio, unless being used for learning purposes.

4.5. We advise that your child does not bring any valuables (i.e. phones, jewellery etc.) with them to the classes. La Belle Arts do not accept any liability for lost or damaged

belongings. Any belongings should have child’s name clearly marked.

4.6. No child will be allowed to leave the building without a parent/guardian (unless

arranged otherwise) Your child’s safety is paramount to us.

4.7. La Belle Arts cannot be held responsible for any injuries incurred during dance

class. Teachers will ensure students are learning and progressing in a safe manner.

4.8. If you are going to be late to pick your child up, you must make contact the studio to inform us by text message or email.

4.10 If you wish to add/drop a class, this must be confirmed in writing by emailing hello@labellearts.co.uk , then amending via your ClassForKids account.


5. Discipline

5.1. Unruly, disruptive behaviour in class will not be tolerated. We have a strict antibullying policy in place and expect our students to always adhere to this.

5.2. We believe in teaching boundaries and setting a good example in line with our positive ethos to build our student’s confidence

5.3. Our staff will not tolerate abusive or disruptive behaviour from students or parents. We will treat everyone with respect and appreciate the same in return.

5.4 If a child/parent displays consistent unruly or aggressive behaviour, this could result in termination of class membership.

6. General

6.1 Any medical conditions must be disclosed upon registration, and the responsibility falls on you, the parent/guardian, to update us when necessary thereafter. It is imperative that we are always fully aware of any health implications, for your child’s safety and your own peace of mind.

6.2 La Belle Performing Arts communication is made via email and social media. Please ensure you follow our social media platforms for recent updates and continue to check spam/junk email folders. Other important information can be found on our studio noticeboard. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep up to date with all relevant information regarding

their child.

6.3 From time to time, it will be essential for physical contact to take place between the teacher and student/peers. We always encourage safe practice and support students in doing so.

6.4 In the event of a session being cancelled due to conditions out with our control, fees will be non-refundable.

6.5 All events are a choice, therefore show participation is not compulsory.

7. Covid-19

7.1 Given the current climate, we will continue to follow government guidelines regarding the coronavirus situation and do everything necessary to ensure the safe running of the studios for both staff and students.

7.2 La Belle Performing Arts has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19; however, La Belle Performing Arts cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with the virus. Further, attending La Belle Arts could increase your

risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting Covid-19.

7.3 Families and students attending La Belle Performing Arts acknowledge the contagious nature of Covid-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that they may be exposed to or infected by

Covid-19 and agree to assume all the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any illness, of any kind, they may experience from attendance at La Belle Arts Studios

7.4 Students/families should not attend classes if they are showing any symptoms such as a fever, cough, or congestion.

7.5 Students/families should not attend classes if any relatives, living in the same household, have been diagnosed with Covid-19 or are showing symptoms and should only return once the appropriate isolation period has ended. We trust that our families will respect this matter and always do the right thing by following any rules we have in place.

If you have any questions or anything you would like to discuss further, please email Christie or Sally who will be happy to help -


By signing up to our classes, you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions currently in place. With thanks,

The LBA Team

La Belle Performing Arts - Privacy Policy 2025

La Belle Performing Arts (LBA) is committed to maintaining high standards of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which the Government has now incorporated as law as GDPR alongside the Data Protection Act 2018 following Brexit.

LBA is registered in the UK and has no established presence in the EEA and has no

customers or suppliers in the EEA.

LBA takes information security very seriously to ensure privacy of data that we hold.

LBA have put in place appropriate organisational measures to ensure that all student

/ staff data (or any other data that we hold) is all held securely, and that we only use any personal data in accordance with GDPR guidelines.

Information held by LBA is provided by, approved by and signed for by parents /


All data held by La Belle Performing Arts is used solely for LBA purposes and the health and safety off all students and staff.

All data is collected, processed, and filed in a secure way.

LBA have never shared data / information with any third parties. All data held is legally required and this which allows us to do our job and provide an efficient and effective service. When registering with LBA, payment details are collected via ClassForKids - these are secure details which we have no access to share or amend on your behalf.

LBA only holds data that is legally required and that which allows us to do our job and provide a service both efficiently and effectively.

Methods of contact made by LBA are –

• Email

• Mobile phone/Text (to the first contact number provided on your Class4Kids Account • www.labellearts.co.uk - website

• Social media (Facebook Messenger)